ATV/UTV Routes & Boat Landings
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Water & Utilities


The Town of Lakewood wastewater services are provided by the Lakewood Sanitary District #1 via the utility's 6 miles of gravity flow sewer and force mains.  Wastewater is processed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) by a recirculating media filter, dedicated June 2001.  The wastewater treatment facility and collection system are regulated by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Sewer use charges are billed quarterly.

Connections or disconnections require a permit issued by the District, available at the WWTP.

The District is overseen and run by town appointed Commissioners.

WWTP Facility is located at 15280 E. Forrester Rd. in Lakewood.

Office Hours:  8:00 am to Noon, Monday-Friday.

Contract Information:

Office - 715-276-1830.

Email -

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